Without the Jews we would have no patriarchs, no prophets, no apostles, no Bible – and no Saviour!
In this booklet, Derek Prince shares the unique role played by the Jewish people in God’s plans for salvation of the world.
Without the Jews we would have no patriarchs, no prophets, no apostles, no Bible – and no Saviour!
In this booklet, Derek Prince shares the unique role played by the Jewish people in God’s plans for salvation of the world.
God’s Way to Prosperity You may have given God control of many areas of your life, yet you won’t know His real blessings and intervention until you bring your money into line with His will as revealed in His Word. God’s plan for your life, including your money, is summed up in one beautiful word: prosperity. “Beloved, …
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Every Christian knows it is imperative to keep the tongue under control but, sooner or later, finds he cannot do so himself. Derek Prince provides clear, biblical steps to discipline the tongue so your words will be spoken for God’s glory and your blessing!
Bible-believing Christians are involved in a daily battle against the forces of evil. Learn how to fight this battle – and win! Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the battle that is waging right now between the forces of God and the forces of evil. Discover the truths about the nature of the …
Some passages of Scripture say, “Judge,” while others say, “Don’t judge.” Most Christians aren’t sure that they should judge anything, while others feel responsible to raise a moral standard but don’t know how much authority they have. Derek Prince cuts through the apparent conflict to answer such questions as: Who is authorized to judge? When …
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