This book is phenomenal! Is your business improving? Is your church growing? What does it mean to have a big front door and a big back door? How can I prosper in good times and in bad times? Enjoy the practical and down to earth teaching in this book.
Seven things you can achieve through frugality
1. Through frugality you can fulfil your calling.
2. Through frugality you can achieve most of your life’s vision.
3. Through frugality you can build your own church building.
4. Through frugality you can embark on many projects for your ministry.
5. Through frugality you can build your own house.
6. Through frugality you can avoid ever having a mortgage.
7. Through frugality you can avoid ever borrowing money.
One night, whilst still a medical student, the Lord anointed Dag Heward-Mills as he waited on Him in a remote town of Ghana. He was supernaturally anointed and heard the words from now on you can teach… This supernatural call is what has ushered him into a worldwide ministry.
Today, his Healing Jesus Crusades are conducted throughout the world with thousands in attendance and many accompanying miracles….